What we’re looking for.

The Margin is always looking for quality writing about snowboarding. That can be investigative, opinionated, or just a story.

Send us your journalistic enterprises, opinion pieces, video reviews, event recaps, poems, fiction, or anything you can think of. We’ll be happy to read it.

As is our core ethos, we don’t care about length. Long-form writing is a foundational aspect of outdoor sports and tends to be an overlooked aspect snowboard media. It can be as short or as long as you feel it should be. If it’s good, we want to see it.

The Margin is particularly interested in the overlooked. Stories from the backwoods. Queer stories, people of colour’s stories, women’s stories.

Sometimes snowboard media can be formulaic. If you’re going to send us a trip report, why is it interesting? What sets that trip, or an article about it, apart from any other?

We also welcome other media, including photo and video. Same rules apply.

We are particularly interested in photo essays that tell the story of places, people, or movements in snowboarding. It is rare to see multiple photos by one photographer presented together in magazines. If you have a collection of photos that, together, tell something bigger than the sum of their parts, we’d like to see them.

The point is: If it doesn’t quite fit in snowboard media, we’d like to see it.


The Details.

Please send submissions to themarginsubmit@gmail.com

We are not currently in the position to pay for writing, art, or photographs. As present, we hope this is a place for passion projects and the overlooked stories of snowboarding.

We accept completed works, or proposals. We’re happy to workshop anything you think we’d be interested in. If you send us completed drafts, please include a brief description.

We are happy to accept simultaneous submissions. In fact, we heavily encourage you to submit your work to enterprises that may be able to pay you, before you come to The Margin. All we ask is that if something you have submitted to us is accepted elsewhere, you let us know promptly.

Please send all writing as word or google doc files, double spaced, Times or Arial font, size 12. Include a proposed title and your name in the header.

For photo or art submissions, please send us jpegs at a small resolution (e.g., 72 DPI). If they don’t all fit in an email, google drive or dropbox links work. Please include a brief description of the project in the email, and any associated writing you want published with the work in an attached document.